INVITATION TO FUEL SUPPLIERS in Karamoja region and Kampala

..."/> INVITATION TO FUEL SUPPLIERS in Karamoja region and Kampala

..." /> INVITATION TO FUEL SUPPLIERS in Karamoja region and Kampala


30 ott, 2023

Request for expression of interest to manage AICS project

INVITATION TO FUEL SUPPLIERS in Karamoja region and Kampala

The ngo Cooperation and Development and partners (Medici con l'Africa Cuamm, University of Perugia, University of Florence, University of Makerere, ngo Insieme Si Può, St. Kizito Hospital) has obtained a grant from AICS (Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development) to implement the project "All in One - integrated actions in the health, sanitation and livestock sector to respond to epidemic-prone diseases with a One Health approach", AID 012590/04/1.

We hereby invite interested and qualified tenderers to express interest to provide fuel to C&D and partners within the 3-year "All in One" project. C&D will consider only fuel suppliers with service stations in Karamoja region (Moroto and Napak districts), Kampala and on the way to Kampala-Mbale-Soroti. 
C&D invites the suppliers to answer to the questionnaire available here: link questionnaire by the end of November (30.11.23).

Please note: The deadline for this announcement is extended to December 10th

Please, send the certificate of registration/to operate, the declaration of honour and the legal entity file by email to  You can also use this contact if you need further information.
Only pre-selected tenderers will be contacted by C&D to submit the tender proposals.

Africa Mission