Supply of drinking water to primary schools in districts, kaabong, abim, nakapiripirit and hygiene promotion in 15 schools

Supply of drinking water to primary schools in districts, kaabong, abim, nakapiripirit and hygiene promotion in 15 schools
Location: Karamoja - Districts of Kotido, Kaabong, Abim and Nakapiripirit.

Duration: July - November 2009.

Financing: UNICEF co-financed.

General objective: Reducing illnesses related to the use of non-drinking water (in Uganda 75% of diseases are caused by poor, if not absent, personal and domestic hygiene) by promoting hygiene and sanitation in schools.

Results at project end:

• 33 new wells drilled in 33 selected schools (14 schools in the districts of Kaabong and Kotido and 19 in Abim and Nakapiripirit districts);

• 15 schools in Kaabong and Kotido districts benefited from hygiene promotion activities;

• Established and formulated "hygiene groups" - training course for 15 participants to acquire expertise on Phast (Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation) and Clts (Community-Led Total Sanitation) approaches;

• Perform and present 12 live performances on hygiene and health issues in schools selected with the delivery of school supplies;

• directly and sensibly mobilizing pupils, tutors, teachers, school staff, community members and local leaders (also through the delivery of two manuals on water & sanitation issues);

• installed 30 taps in the selected schools;

• Perform artistic and creative competitions in schools to promote the correct hygiene with final delivery of hygiene kits (containing, among other things, 25 pieces of soap, 5 liters of liquid soap, a hoe, a spade, a peg and A wheelbarrow to assemble, gloves, a broom, a brush, a plastic container, a garbage bin, a scissor to crush).

Direct Beneficiaries: 16,787 pupils and school staff from the 33 schools in Kotido, Kaabong, Abim and Nakapiripirit districts.

Indirect beneficiaries: parents, pupils' families and the whole community of the four districts.

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