Cooperation and Development

Premised that Cooperation and Development it is a corporate body with a full juridical and administrative autonomy as the association Africa Mission it is an organism with full juridical and administrative autonomy, the bond among the two associations still exists and finds operational base in the Charisma of its founders.
Both are expression of the Charisma of Mr. Vittorione and Mons. Manfredini, and in this perspective, they are completed each other through a communion of intents and works.
Today the collaboration is made explicit in the "Movement Africa Mission" or "Opera di Don Vittorio" and, essentially, it's deep and convinced communion and sharing of spirit and mission among the two associations.
Cooperation and Development, a private and non-profit association, is the operational branch of the Movement Africa Mission, currently present in Uganda with two permanent branches in Kampala and Moroto.
Founded in 1982 and recognized as a non-profit organization with legal personality, It is a Non-Governmental Organization (N.G.O.) eligible for international development and volunteering, in compliance with Law No 49/87 regulating Italian public aid for developing countries. Since 2004, Cooperation and Development is part of the Italian Federation of International Voluntary Service's Christian Organisms  (Focsiv).

Alongside the emergency interventions still in place in a smaller extent, there are numerous projects involving different area of intervention.

There are specifically ongoing projects in the following sectors:
• Wash sector: through the drilling and rehabilitation of wells and the vocational training of local staff as pump mechanics;
• Health sector: supporting Loputuk and Tapac dispensaries;
• Socio-educational sector: through recreational activities in the Youth Center of the Moroto compound, the provision of school lessons to children from 3 to 16 years of age, as well as the training and awareness-raising against certain practices that are still present in those areas, such as children and women exploitation;
• Agricultural/livestock sector: setting up a veterinary laboratory, agro-pastoral schools on the field and the Multi-sectoral Center of Rural Development of Loputuk.
• Support to local communities which are already in the territory, through donations of food and non-food items.
Through these interventions, the purpose is to help the communities face their state of need and to accompany them along the path to their development by giving the people the necessary means to learn and grow independently. 

Africa Mission