Provision of seed kits and agricultural tools and training to vulnerable families

Provision of seed kits and agricultural tools and training to vulnerable families
Year 2009 1 March - 30 October 2009

- 100 Paravetary Formats - Each veterinary format was delivered with a kit containing veterinary equipment and medicines.
- Near the rainy season (March - April 2009), 10,000 kg of sorghum (improved variety and resistant to drought drought), 10,000 kg of beans, 10,000 kg of peanut seeds (serenut 3 and 4 varieties), 4,000 Kg of rice and 1,000 bags of sweet potato tubers. The distributions were held in the sub-counties of Iriiri, Lotome, Lokopo, Matany, Ngoleriet, Katikekile and Nadunget and in the resettlement sites of Nabwal, Apetolim, Lomaratoit and Nakayot.

5,000 vulnerable family members benefited from seed distribution and 100 people in paravetary training for a total estimated 30,100 people

Year 2008 May-December 2008

- Selected 4.486 family nuclei from the resettlement sites of: Nabwal, Lomaratoit, Apeitolim and sub-counts of: Iriiri, Lokopo, Lotome, Ngoleriet, Matany, Katikekile, Nadunget, Lopeei, Moroto Municipality and Rupa;
- between 10 and 13 May 2008 identified and registered beneficiaries involved in the distribution.
- Two practical theoretical training sessions (May - August) were organized during the distribution of seeds and work equipment held by C & S agronomer in collaboration with experts from relevant subcontractors.
- Monitoring and evaluation.


4,486 vulnerable families living in the 10 sub-districts of the Moroto District and 3 resettlement sites for a total estimated 14,975 people

Year 2007 March 2006 - October 2007

• Distributed 864 kit for missions and families in need of the subunit of Nadunget.
• During a first phase: in April the FAO 2006 kit (3,500) and the 5,936 kit of the year 2007 were delivered for a total of 9,436 kits delivered to as many families as ten training subcontracts.
• Second Phase: Fao asked for extension of the project for 83 already formed groups, for the distribution of 75 plows, 100 bags of manioc and 100 of sweet potatoes. In July, deliveries were made (except for 3 failed plows) and held the training course for the beneficiaries identified.

10,300 vulnerable families living in the 10 sub-counties of the Moroto District for a total estimated (6 family members) of 61,800 people

Year 2006

- Perform two training sessions (March-April and July) in the 9 sub-districts of the Moroto District
- 482 participants in the first training course and
- 499 those in the second course for a total of 981 people.

7,000 households reached by distribution (42,000 people)

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