Climate Change Adaptation - Learning Centre

Centers established in Karamoja for transferring innovations and technologies.

Climate Change Adaptation - Learning Centre
Project funded by:  Africa Mission- Cooperation and Development (AMCS)

In partnership with: Districts of  Karamoja, Prime Ministre office

Program duration: June 2020- on going

C&D-Institute for International Co-operation and Development in Karamoja took over 3 "Climate Change Adaption" centers namely Nakichumet, Namalu and  Nadunget in June 2020 after the GIZ-ENWASS project ended. 
These learning centres were established by GIZ in as regional hubs for transferring innovations and technologies. Nakichumet was established in 2013 located in Napak District along Moroto-Soroti road in the Agro-pastoral zone (dry belt), Namalu was established in 2014 found in Nakapiririt District along Moroto-Mbale road, is located in the agricultural zone (green belt) and Nadunget was established in 2018 located in Moroto District along Moroto-Soroti road in the Agro-pastoral zone (dry belt).

You can read the Summary Sheet of the project in 2021 by clicking here

General objective
strengthen and support the community's capacity to cope with the negative effects of climate change.

Specific objective:
increase skills in agricultural practices, providing tools to reduce the negative effects of climate change.

-Learning Center trainings and workshops
- Crop production (Irrigated & crops & fields)
- Learning Center trainings and workshops

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