Protecting and promoting the rights of women and girls through the prevention and response to gender-based sexual violence among women genital mutilation communities in southern Karamoja

Districts of Nakapiripirit, Amudat and Moroto, Karamoja

European Union Financier; DCA (Danish Church Aid)

Duration 24 April 2014 - 25 April 2016

DCA Collaborations, Hurinet - Human Rights Network, REACH - Reproductive Community Health Program


General objective:
Protection and Promotion of Women's and Girls Rights and Gender Equality.

Specific objective:
Building community and institutional capacity to ensure the prevention of gender-based gender-based violence by defending and strengthening institutional partners to reduce social tolerance towards gender-based violence.

Activity Description
1. Reference research on the current situation of gender-related sexual violence and female genital mutilation in target communities (DCAs)
2. Meetings in sub-counties to promote the project and select "change agents" (C & D and REACH)
3. Training course in the SASA methodology (C & D and REACH)
4. 200 Community dialogues (C & D and REACH)
5. Production of 2 educational videos (C & D and REACH)
6. Strengthen health clubs within schools (C & D and REACH)
7. Develop and distribute educational material (C & D and REACH)
8. to revise and simplify the laws and procedures on gender sex violence (HURINET)
9. Strategic meetings at national level (HURINET)
10. media advocacy (HURINET)
11. Training on the Laws on the Protection of the Rights of Women and Girls (HURINET)
12. mapping and monitoring services on gender-based sexual violence (C & D and REACH)
13. Production of mapping and distribution material (C & D and REACH)
14. Training course for healthcare, police, district authorities, teachers, change agents and staff (C & D and REACH)
15. Dialogue sessions to strengthen collaboration between traditional and formal victim support systems (C & D and REACH)
16. Emergency fund (C & D and REACH)
17. activities related to 16 days of activism against violence against women (C & D and REACH)

Results obtained in 2015
• 75/92 Community dialogue sessions carried out through the SASA model (7026 people reached).
• 87 health service meetings - 48 with school clubs, 39 with youth groups
• Production of IEC material such as T-shirts, posters, messages on prevention and response to SGBV. 300 T-shirts were printed with the message "ACT TOGETHER AGAINST GBV" and then distributed to the "change agents" wearing them during the community dialogue sessions. 500 pocket and simplified copies of the Anti-FGM Act and UN Resolution 1820 and 1325 printed and distributed to stakeholders in the three districts concerned. 1200 flyers, 372 posters and 500 booklets containing printed anti-SGBV messages.
• Data on the current state of SGBV incidence in health, protection and psychological support in the 3 districts of Moroto, Amudat and Nakapiripiti collected.
• 300 referral paths for referral paths for printed and distributed victims.
• Training for healthcare workers from 9 to 13 March at the Kalasi school in the Amudat district (participation 23/30). Among them were doctors, clinic staff, nurses and assistants. The Ministry of Health official explained the guidelines of the MoH standard approach to the SGBV phenomenon.
• Training for police officers from 2 to 6 March. 33/30 policemen and 1 officer trained to deal with the SGBV phenomenon and data collection. Subjects covered: human rights, SGBV, police and protection of children's rights, collection and management of data at police offices.
• 3 counseling meetings in prisons - 2 in Moroto Prison (1/12 90 men - 18/12 in 15 days) and 1 in Amaler Prison (23/10 in 32 men and 2 women) in order to provide psychological support and a Reconciliation process for a reintegration into the society of perpetrators of violence.
• Training for teachers and district officials conducted from 20 to 24 October. 22 participants. Information acquired through a participative approach (brainstorming, role playing, interactive readings, group discussions, exchange of experiences, etc.). Initiatives and key opportunities for prevention and response to the identified SGBV phenomenon.
• 5/7 meetings with formal and informal support structures for victims. 29/10 in Moroto - 22/10 at Nakapiripirit - 29/10 at Amudat - 17/11 in Loroo - 78/11 in Moruita.
• Assistance and support from stakeholders interested in resolving forced and forced marriages.
• Activities of African children promoted by school-based healthcare clubs: presenting songs and writing on early marriage.
• Supporting the organization of Pokot Cultural Day at Amudat;
• Supporting the organization of the Tepeth Cultural Day in Moroto and the participation of a group of women as performers;
• Participation at the 16th Days of Activism in collaboration with the district gender-working group by organizing various activities: radio messages at Moroto and Nakapiripirit - drawing competition in Moroto - World AIDS Day on December 1st in collaboration with Home Based Care of Moroto - International Day for People with Disabilities on December 3 at the Moroto Youth Center - Dialogue on the end of the GBV on December 8 in Lemusui - Peace Week in Moroto from 6 to 10 December.
• T-shirts bought, printed and distributed for 16 days of activism.
• Quarterly meetings organized between members of the consortium to share information about their districts. 2 quarterly meetings organized with the presence of government officials and the EU delegation in Uganda to update participants on the progress achieved, share challenges and opportunities to strengthen action. Revised work plans and budgets.
• Two-year meeting referring to 2014 implemented on May 20 at Nakapiripirit. First meeting of the second year implemented on September 22 in Moroto.
• Participation in 3 Districts and 2 Regional Encounters on Child Protection. C & D participates in a capacity building meeting titled "The legal structures governing the FGM in Uganda", held at Kalas's primary male school on 12/7 and organized by Law Uganda. Joint monitoring visit to Amudat organized by the district and C & D for the evaluation of the working groups. Participation at PeaceEvent organized by the Catholic Church at Tampac on 13/8 with the involvement of young people from the border areas of Lokiriama and West Pokoto in Kenya. Help in terms of fuel delivered to district officials and education counselors to conduct an awareness campaign in the areas of Katikekile and Tapac due to poor school attendance.
• Coordination and Networking Meetings referring to the first year implemented on 27/5 at Moroto - 5/6 aNakapiripirit - 11/6 at Amudat. Exchange of experiences and challenges on the topic of assistance to intervention structures. Meetings referring to the second year implemented on October 23 at Amudat - 10/11 at Nakapiripirit - 4/12 at Moroto.

Direct beneficiaries
7026 members of the sensitized community;
892 children and teenagers achieved through anti-SGBV messages;
CDO's (Community Development Officers) of 3 districts;
30 CSO's;
CFPU (Child Family Protection Unit) of 3 districts;

Supporting and solving some cases of violence:
• Nakapiripirit District: 2 violence on minors / 2 self-injury / 3 FGM survivors / 1 sodomized boy;
• Moroto District: 4 forced marriages / 3 rape cases
• Amudat District: 12 cases of domestic violence / 4 forced marriages / 5 violence against minors / 7 FGM

Indirect beneficiaries
15,600 women and girls who are victims or at risk of gender-related violence.

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