Realization of agro-pastoral schools on the field in Kaabong (1 and 2)

Realization of agro-pastoral schools on the field in Kaabong (1 and 2)
N. Projects 031 / P and 032 / P

District of Kaabong; Sub-counties of Lolelia, Karenga, Kalapata, Loyoro, Sidok, Kapedo and Kathile

Duration April-November 2010


• Establishment of 58 APFS: group formalization; Field work; Job selection; Identifying and dissolving the parcels-study gardens

• Monitoring, evaluation and supervision

• monthly review meetings with 12 (6 + 6) facilitators

• days on the field


- Schools well-established and able to carry out activities independently.

- More resilient unit

Direct beneficiaries: 1,740 (750 + 990) members of the schools;

Indirect beneficiaries: local community.

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