In the latest UN report on global food security ''The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World'', published in 2022 (UNICEF, IFAD, WHO), it is estimated that almost 670 million people will still be undernourished in 2030 (i.e. 8% of the world population, which is the same percentage as in 2015, when Agenda 2030 was launched). This is 78 million more undernourished people in 2030 compared to a pre-pandemic scenario.
The effects of Covid-19, combined with the various conflicts still underway in various countries around the world, have further put at risk the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2 of the 2030 Agenda which envisages the elimination of hunger in the world in the next decade and drew attention to the importance of the ''One Health'' approach for the protection of global health.
Agriculture continues to be central to Uganda's economic growth and poverty reduction; it employs 72% of the total workforce.
77.8% of the population of the Kole district, where Alito's headquarters is located, is under 30 and 20.8% are young people between 18 and 30 of whom 70% are unemployed (WHO 2013). Subsistence agriculture as a source of income represents 51.3%, (UBOS 2017).
One of the key objectives of AMCD's action in Uganda since its foundation has always been to support the most vulnerable populations and in marginalized contexts, in meeting primary needs, including access to healthy and nutritious food.
AMCD's intervention continues today with a view to sustainability which takes the form of providing tools and skills to local staff and the beneficiaries themselves, in order to give continuity to the activities carried out and make their impact more incisive.
The projects in the agricultural and livestock sector involved 5 districts with the prospect of expanding the interventions and making use of the skills acquired over the years both in the training of farmers and in agricultural and livestock production.
In Karamoja, there are 4 projects through which we intervene in the sector which directly involve the climate adaptation centers of Nakichumet, Nadunget and Namalu and the Moroto Veterinary Laboratory. In the district of Adjumani, on the border with South Sudan, agricultural activity is proposed in the context of the two emergency projects implemented thanks to the contribution of AICS Nairobi and finally in the Lango Region through the valorisation of the Alito Professional Training Centre, which has now become a landmark of the Lira area.
The project ''Agriculture and Livestock for the future: building climate resilience for food security in the communities of the regions of Karamoja - Uganda'' is currently active, financed by the CEI, in collaboration with the Diocese of Moroto, which plans to improve the food security in Karamoja through agribusiness training.
The ''ALL in ONE' project was launched in 2023: integrated interventions in the hygienic-health and zootechnical-veterinary fields to combat diseases with epidemic potential with a One Health approach'' with the aim of intervening in the WASH, zootechnical-veterinary sector and animal health to allow an improvement in the living conditions of the population from a global health perspective.
This approach is in line with the Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and in particular with SDG 2, with the program plan of the Ugandan Government ''The Third National Development Plan (NDP III) 2020/21-2024/25' ', in particular with the chapter. 5 concerning agriculture, with Uganda Vision 2040, in particular with the strategies in point 2.2.6 ''Sustainable and equitable development'' and in point 4.1.2 on agriculture, fitting coherently into the AICS -DGCS Plan for effectiveness of the 2020-2022 interventions.