In developing countries, 80% of infections result from the use of unhealthy water and poor hygiene practices: the use of unsafe water sources (surface and contaminated water), inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene are among the main causes of the spread of cholera and infectious and tropical diseases. Globally, 51% of healthcare facilities lack basic sanitation with soap and water or alcohol-based solutions. 1.7 billion people do not use basic water services at their local health facility (WHO Report, UNICEF 2021).
In Uganda, 28 people out of 100,000 die from diseases caused by the use of unclean water (OWD, 2021). Over the last twenty years in Uganda, the health situation has improved greatly, but some regions, in particular Northern Uganda and Karamoja in particular, have not experienced the same development. At a national level, 4 out of 10 families have latrines, while in the Northern Uganda region 89% make use of improved sanitation facilities (Welt Hunger Hilfe 2023).
AMCD has been present since its foundation to support rural populations, in particular in North Eastern Uganda, to guarantee safe water sources and adequate sanitation services, in line with Sustainable Objective 6 of Agenda 2030.
AMCD's action is not limited to the drilling of wells and the construction of toilets, but is based on a sustainable approach which involves continuous training, thanks to on-site staff, on good hygiene practices both in schools and at community level. The creation of Water User Committees, i.e. Committees for the Management of water resources and sanitation services (latrines), allows you to create a greater sense of belonging and responsibility towards the projects carried out, guaranteeing their sustainability.
In the WASH sector, the ''Integrated intervention for the technical and sustainable improvement of the maintenance and rehabilitation system of wells in the Karamoja Region'' program is active and has involved, from the beginning to today, 2,417,341 people, rehabilitating 2,449 wells and the well drilling program which allowed the installation of more than 1,396 wells, of which 1,227 are currently active and involved 1,734,855 beneficiaries from 1983 to 2023.
For 2023, interventions have been recorded for 58 wells in the CEI projects ''Agriculture and livestock for the future'' and the emergency project ''Food security in Karamoja in response to the climate crisis''.
This approach is in line with the Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda (in particular: SDGs 3 and 6), with the program plan of the Ugandan Government ''The Third National Development Plan (NDP III) 2020/21-2024/25 '', in particular with objective 4: ''Improve the productivity and social well-being of the population through increasing access to safe water and improving basic sanitation services'' and with Uganda Vision 2040, to the point 4.1.9 relating to the WASH sector.