Ensure protection from violence, abuse and exploitation to the most vulnerable children of Karamoja

Ensure protection from violence, abuse and exploitation to the most vulnerable children of Karamoja

Towns of Napak Districts, Nakapiripirit, Kotido, Kaabong and Moroto, Karamoja
UNICEF Financier
Duration October 2014 - December 2015

Local partners
Dwelling Places - local organization,
Probation and Social Welfare Officer - Supervisory and Social Services Officer, CFPU - Child Family Protection Unit - Child and Family Protection Unit, Kampala City Council - City Council, local authorities,MoGLSD - Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (Ministry of Social Development, Labor and Equal Opportunities), Kayda - local association, CJI - Canadian Jesuits International.

General objectives

Ensuring vulnerable Karamoja children, including street children, protection from violence, abuses and exploitation

Specific objectives

900 children from the districts of Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit, Kotido and Kaabong, including 40 street children, victims or at risk of violence and abuse, receive adequate protection;

3,500 children and teenagers in the districts of Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit, Kotido and Kaabong are informed about how to prevent violence against children, female genital mutilation and childbirth;

300 Karamoja migrant children and their families receive protection and protection services.

Activity Description

1. Child protection committees (CPCs) on how to help the community identify and protect vulnerable children

2. Co-ordination meetings between partners

3. Public discussions on violence against children and female genital mutilation

4. Emergency fund for the response to cases of abuse and violence

5. psycho-social activities:

- marathon

- educational videos

- musical performance, traditional dances, theater

- seminars on violence

- educational program for teenagers

6. Awareness raising activities in villages

7. Transit center for returnees (street children migrated in city grades), registration, family reunion

8. Reintegration and monitoring visits, direct food support, clothes, school supplies

Results 2015

1. 15 organized seminars for CPCs: 312 CPCs for Child Protection, Child Protection Legislation, Psychological Support, Report Writing and Data Collection

2. Organized 187 public discussions at Community level: more than 3700 people reached by messages on the protection and protection of children, HIV, hygiene, traditional practices harmful (female genital mutilation, ...)

3. assisted 1119 vulnerable children, 28% abandoned, 15% total orphans, 6% abandonment, 6% child labor, 6% street children (non-returnees), 5% children with disabilities, 1% FGM (11 cases) , 4% family children, 0.5% weddings with children (5 cases), 2% sexual violence against minors (21 cases), 4% domestic violence (40 cases). The remaining 22.5% is the sum of cases with lower incidence (reforming children, children living in extreme poverty, mental illnesses, etc.).

4. 420 district members, healthcare personnel, NGOs and CSOs, Social Workers, Police participated in Child Protection and Protection Coordination Meetings

5. 9136 children and teenagers involved in psycho-social activities (seminars, educational videos, sports)

6. 9961 people involved in raising awareness in the kraal

7. 316 new returnees received and reintegrated, 561 members of ex-returnees supported by food aid, school supplies and income generating activities

8. Supported 156 orphaned or AIDS-sick children through the School of Life program

9. 20 seminar for adolescents organized on topics related to cultural traditions, AIDS, gender roles, human rights, violence, with the participation of 550 young people

Direct beneficiaries

- 900 children

- 100 family nuclei

- 3500 children and young people involved in sports and psychosocial activities

- 300 migrants and 80 families supported by IGAs savings & loan method

- 16 social workers

- Community of kraal and rural areas

Africa Mission